We are a marketing research agency 

for game developers, publishers, and investors. ​

Precise data for project evaluation, project management, and game design from day one of the project. Made easy.


You have a brilliant idea of an awesome game? You have limited resources you need to fit in? Let's do it together — playtest your target audience, promotional materials, texts — and you're in.


Great! You have something to show, strategic decisions are taken and solutions are implemented. Main idea, core mechanics, game setting, game controls model, emotions your game should evoke, and many other details are created and will stay about the same until the release - it's time to get proofs on them now. 


And you have an alpha version! Congratulations. Your art is still so-so or your plot is a bit incomplete? No problem, we’re gonna research on what is ready. How about gameplay, sound, navigation, game controls, game setting, balance, retention?


Your game is polished, everything is awesome, and there are a couple of moments left till release? Let's playtest in the country you’ll launch, researching what’s already implemented. Why don't research what you've done after alpha and something more, e.g. art?


You are ready to soft-launch or release, are you? So it's time to check everything. Is your target audience ready for your game? Monetization worth it from player's point of view? Virality will work? Lets's research together!


So you're ready for your first (or not) update. Have you reached players' expectations? Let's check your new functions, balance. Just to be sure your game is that awesome and you'll have an impressive ROI.

We have a plan

So you can focus on what you are the best on - creating games. 

Delivering data, analytics, discovering insights for your creative team as well as for the management and marketing is on us. Playtests are our passion.

We will be happy to start working on your game at whichever stage of the development it is.

Open & Save


in CIS: $1 209

$ 2 079

in JP, KR: $2 849
  • 10 target players
  • 1 gaming session
  • 15 minutes of gameplay
  • Video (screen+face)
  • 1 Survey
  • 1 Interview
  • Analytical report 


in CIS: $2 199

$ 4 579

in JP, KR: $7 439
  • 20 target players
  • 1 gaming session
  • 30 minutes of gameplay
  • Video (screen+face)
  • 2 Surveys
  • 2 Interviews
  • Analytical report  


in CIS: $3 275

$ 8 049

in JP, KR: $12 775
  • 25 target players
  • 1 gaming session
  • 60 minutes of gameplay
  • Video (screen+face)
  • 4 Surveys
  • 3 Interviews
  • Analytical report 

Gaming Week

in CIS: $5 299

$ 12 999

in JP, KR: $20 299
  • 30 target players
  • 7 gaming days
  • 60+15x6 minutes of gameplay
  • Video (screen+face)
  • 4+6 Surveys
  • 3 Interviews
  • Analytical report 

Research methods we use


Data is collected through judgments and assessments obtained from representatives of the target audience or experts

How it is conducted
Respondents complete a questionnaire containing a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions.

What it does
Enables the collection of comprehensive and structured information from players by asking each participant the same set of questions.

No possibility to ask clarifying questions to uncover the underlying motives of the player's responses;
The total number of questions should not exceed 50-100, excluding questions related to the personal data of the player.

How it is conducted
Private conversation according to a previously prepared form with questions that allows asking clarifying questions.

What it does
Identifying the underlying motives of the player, including directly in the moment during gameplay.

A lot of not structured information
A result depends on the level of interviewer's preparation

How it is conducted
Private conversation according to a previously prepared plan of conversation with an expert in a specific area.

What it does
Allows for obtaining an assessment of the game and its perspectives based on the professional experience of a competent specialist in a specific market, platform, or genre. The expert serves as a valuable source of knowledge, saving time and helping to avoid known mistakes.

Subjective nature of the information received
Low probability of forming a breakthrough solution

How it is conducted
A group conversation of 6-10 representatives of the target audience with elements of discussion, facilitated by a moderator according to a predefined discussion plan or guide. The FGI typically lasts for 1-2 hours and should be recorded. The moderator guides the discussion, ensuring that all participants have an equal opportunity to share their opinions. They encourage less active participants to contribute and manage the participation of more dominant individuals through personalized questions and facilitating equal opportunities for speaking.

What it does
Enables wide and in-depth research of the topic at hand by tapping into the insights, explanations, scripts, and models generated by members of the target audience themselves. The discussion aims to uncover how users form their experiences with the product (game), criteria for game selection, attitudes towards different game mechanics, reference groups, information sources, gaming platforms, and playing conditions. It also explores participants' perceptions and criteria for what they consider to be the characteristics of the best and worst games within the category.

The data obtained may be unstructured, requiring careful analysis and interpretation;
There is a possibility of participants conforming to the opinions of the group, making it challenging for individuals with dissenting views to express themselves;
The outcome of the FGI heavily relies on the skills and qualifications of the moderator.


The time, the fact, the nature of events of interest, the external reactions of the target audience are being recorded while observing from the side (non-participant observation), or incognito as one of the participants (participant observation)

How it is conducted
Respondents are specifically instructed to provide commentary on their thoughts, assessments, judgments, decisions, and expressions during the game session. Audio and video recordings are made of the gaming process, capturing the players' comments, thoughts, assessments, judgments, decisions, and expressions.

What it does
Enables valuable insight into participants' real-time experiences and cognitive processes as they engage with the game. The method allows for a deeper understanding of their thoughts and reactions.

Perception and often formulated solutions are distorted and are not good for analysis compared to usual game session because of strong pressure on the respondent. The problem is located for the further research with the other methods.

How it is conducted
The process involves recording the screen of the gaming device, controllers, and the respondent's face simultaneously, split-screen.

What it does
Allows for the analysis of gameplay, including the player's behavior in important situations, and helps identify the factors that generate positive and negative emotions during the game.

Special hardware is required to capture the screen, controllers, and player's face simultaneously;
Shows mainly the strongest emotions, while weaker emotional responses may not be as apparent due to the player's high concentration.

How it is conducted
The observer records reactions and observations during the game session in a prepared form, noting the time, game situations, and players' reactions.

What it does
Captures external reactions during the game session, including body position, intensity of interaction with the game, comments, and behavior at key points such as winning, losing, unlocking, etc.

Players may require some time to adapt to the presence of an observer, which could potentially affect their behavior;
Emotional reactions may be subject to internal filtration, resulting in unnatural or moderated reactions during certain game moments.

How it is conducted
A researcher actively participates in the project alongside the players, incognito as a regular player, and follows a predetermined script. After the group of players completes their participation, the observer immediately writes down their observations in a prepared form.

What it does
The opportunity to gain new insights and a deeper understanding of the players' subculture through partially controlled conversations with representatives of the target audience. It allows for maximum sincerity from the players.

Due to the lack of formalization, data collection may be incomplete, and there may be partial or total disruption of the monitoring conditions when the observer's true identity is revealed.


Studying the impact of changes in tested parameters on a specific parameter of interest

How it is conducted
The sample is divided into equal parts based on the number of study options. Ideally, each respondent is exposed to each option in a specific order, with a unique rotation of options within each subgroup. It is important to ensure that each option is presented an equal number of times at each point in the order to avoid experience accumulation during the research.

What it does
Enables comparison of different options for specific aspects such as game mechanics, control models, art styles, titles, and more.

Limited to a maximum of 5 options for effective comparison;
Requires a large sample size for statistical significance.

Where we research

Bright - we have performed research here

Light - we have respondents in our DB

And we can reach any audience in any country, even if we've never done it before ;)

Playtest map